1. Garment washing.
Ans: The technology which is used to modify the appearance, outlook comfort ability & fashion of the garments is called garment washing.
2. Write the purpose of washing.
- The first purpose is to remove dirt, dust, impurities of garments thus achieve wash look appearance and softness.
- The other purpose is to bring faded look, old look, tinted or over dyed affect.
- To increase color fastness, wash fastness properties no possibility of further shrinkage of wash garments.
3. Write different types of dry processing.
Ans: Sand blasting, Hand scraping, whiskering, overall wrinkle, permanent wrinkle, broken and tagging, grinding and destroy, pp spray and pp sponging .
4. Write different types of wet processing.
Ans: Normal wash / Garments wash/ Rinse wash, Pigment wash, Caustic wash, Silicon wash, Stone wash, Enzyme wash, Stone Enzyme wash, Acid wash, Bleach wash.
Fig: Garments washing plant |
5. Write the machine names which are used in washing plant.
Ans: The machine names which are used in Indigo washing Ltd:
(i) Washing machine ( No of M/c -10)
(ii) Dryer machine (No of M/c -10): gas dryer-09 and Steam dryer-01
Each m/c wt: 1300 Kg
Rated voltage: 380 V
Rated input power: 6 kw
NB: these machines are imported from China manufacture: Shenzhen Multi se Industries ltd.
Bangladeshi Supplier: RM flying yang industries.
(iii) Sample Machine (No of M/c-02)
(iv) Hydro (No of M/c -03)
(v) Spray gun (No of M/c -02)
6. Write the chemical names which are used in washing Plant.
(i) Sodium mete bi sulphite
(ii) per oxide
(iii) Caustic soda
(iv) Soda ash
(v) LV (pocket clear)
(vi) Bleach Kci
(vii) Caustic potash
(viii) Phosphoric acid
(ix) Pumice stone
(x) Optical Brightening agent (3 types: Red, blue, yellow )
(xi) Sodium hypo sulphite
(xii) Sodium bi carbonate
(xiii) Enzyme (Acid, Neutral , SL enzyme)
(xiv) Acetic acid
(xv) Softener
(xvi) Desizing agent
(xvii) Potassium per maganate
(xviii) Micro emulsion silicon
(xix) Buffer, stabilizer, fixing agent, catanizer , resin, anti staining agent
(xx) Dye for tinting or over dyeing.
7. What is the purpose of normal wash?
- To remove dust, dirt, oil spot, impurities, spot, size materials, starch from the garments surface
- To bring the soft feeling to wear.
8. Describe the 1st and 2nd step of normal / garments wash.
Ans :
1st Step:-
Lot size: -....................... 80 kg Twill/Canvas garment
Add water @ L: R = 1: 8-10 ............640 --800 Liter
Machine running
Add detergent @ 0.5 gm / liter ............ 320--400 gm
Temperature..... Sometime cold & sometime 40°c - 60°c
Time .............................. 5 to 10 minutes
Drop the liquor
Cold wash
2nd Step:-
Add water @ L: R = 1: 6 ......... 480 liter.
Washing machine running
Add Flax softener @ 0.6 gm / liter .......... 288 gm.
Add Acetic Acid @ 0.5 gm / liter........... 240gm.
Time................................... 5 to 10 minutes
Drop the liquor.
Unload the Garments on trolley.
9. What is the function of Hydro extractor machine?
Ans: Function of Hydro extractor machine is to squeeze the garments for removing the excess water from the garments.
10. What is the purpose of silicon wash?
Ans: The purpose of silicon wash:
- It gives durable softness, elastic handle,
- It helps to anti pilling affects, dimensional stability, tear resistance.
- It helps to fabrics to be cut and sewn more easily allows and improving wears and easy care properties.
11. Write difference between normal wash and silicon wash.
Normal wash
Silicon wash
Removes the dust, dirt , impurities, spots, size material, starch from the garments then gives soft feeling to wear
Silicon wash gives durable softness, elastic handle and helps to anti pilling affects, dimensional stability, tear resistance and also improving wears and easy care properties.
12. Describe the Desizing process of silicon Wash.
Lot weight (approx 145 pies) ............ 70 kg
Add water @ L: R = 1: 10.............. 700 Liter
Machine running
Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / liter ............ 420 gm
Add Detergent @ 0.5 gm / liter.................... 350 gm
Temperature.......................... 50°c
Time...............................10-20 minutes
Drop the liquor
Rinse one time 3 minutes
13. Describe the softening process of silicon Wash.
Lot weight (approx 145 pies) ............ 70 kg
Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 560 Liters
Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm / liter ............ 336gm
Cationic Softener @ 1 gm / liter.............. 560 gm
Silicon (ME) @ 0.5 gm / liter ................ 280 gm
Temperature.......................... 40°c
Time................................ 15 to 20 minutes
Drain the bath
Then unload the garments on trolley.
14. Write the chemicals name which are used for pigment/ caustic wash process.
Ans: Caustic soda, soda ash, detergent, acetic acid, flax softener, silicon (for more soft)
15. Write the chemicals name which are used for enzyme wash.
Ans: Chemicals name which are used for enzyme wash such as Desizing agent, detergent, acetic acid, anti back staining agent , enzyme cationic softener ,bleach (Kic) , soda ash, sodium hypo sulphite.
16. Write the Desizing/ first step of caustic wash process.
Ans: 1st step of caustic wash process
Lot size: ...................... 80 kg
Add water @ L: R = 1 : 8.............. 640 Liter
Machine Running
Add Caustic soda (NAOH)..... @ 1.60 gm / liter........ 1024 gm
Add Detergent ........................ @ 0.8 gm / liter ............ 512 gm
Temperature........... 50°c to 60°c
Time (Depend upon the shade) ....... 20 to 60 minutes
Drop the liquor
Wash cold water for 3 minutes
17. What is the standard rpm of washing machine?
Ans: Standard rpm of washing machine is 28 to 30.
18. Write the chemicals name which are used for softness of garments.
Ans: Chemicals name which are used for softness of garments are flax softener, cationic softener, multi emulsion silicon.
19. Write the chemicals name which are used for good quality hand feel.
Ans: The chemical names which are used for good quality hand feel are silicon softener, flax softener.
20. What chemical use is for protect staining/bleeding on garments.
Ans: Antistatic or Anti back staining agent used for protecting staining / bleading on garments.
21. What process is doing for remove starch/sizing materials from the garments?
Ans: Desizing Process is doing for removing sizing materials from the garments.
22. Why Acetic Acid is used in Enzyme bath?
Ans: Acetic acid is used in enzyme bath to control the pH of wash bath and for proper action of enzyme. (To controlling the pH of enzyme because enzyme works at acidic pH).
23. Write different between steam dryer & gas dryer.
Steam dryer
Gas dryer
Less temperature (60-70°c) and more time (45-60 min) required in steam dryer where it runs on steam
Comparatively more time (70-85°c) and less time (30-35min) require in gas dryer where it runs on gas.
Steam dryer is more for light Wight white readymade garments
gas dryer is more suitable for canvas/twill denim fabric
Steam dryer can give softness
gas dryer comparatively cannot give such softness
24. Describe the Desizing process of Denim Long Pant.
Ans: Batch size....................... 60 kg Denim Long Pant
Add water @ L: R = 1 : 9 .............. 540 liters
Start the machine
Temperature.................... 60°c
Add Desizing agent @ 0.6 gm / liter................. 324 gm
Add Detergent / Antistain @ 1 gm / liter ......... 540 gm
Time................................ 15 to 25 minutes
Drop the liquor
Wash first time by cold water.
25. Describe the Enzyme bath process of Denim Long Pant by Acid Enzyme.
Ans: Enzyme bath process:
Batch size....................... 60 kg Denim Long Pant
Add water @ L: R = 1: 8.............. 480 Litre
Temperature.......................... 40-50°c.
Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm / litre ................288gm.
Add Anti Back staining @ 0.6 gm / litre .... 288 gm.
Add Acid Enzyme @ 2.00 gm / litre ............ 960 gm.
Time....(Depend upon the shade)...........40---60 mts.
Increase temperature to 90°c and run 1 minute (enzyme killing).
Drain the bath.
Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes.
26. Describe the Enzyme bath process of Denim Long Pant by neutral Enzyme.
Ans: Enzyme (Actual enzyme can give good effect with pumic stone)
Batch size....................... 60 kg Denim Long Pant
Add water @ L : R = 1 : 8 .............. 480 litres
Add pumic stone @ ½ vol of garments
Add Enzyme @ 1.50 gm/litre ..................... 720 Gms
Add Acetic Acid @ 0.6 gm/litre .................. 288 Gms
Add Antistain @ 0.8 gm/litre ..................... 384 Gms
Temperature......................................... 40°c to 50°c
Time (Depend upon the shade) .......... 60 to 70 minutes
Then temperature raise to 90°c for 1 minute.
Drop the liquor
Rinse Twice, each 3 minutes
Then pumic stone out from washing machine
27. How can do the killing of Enzyme in Enzyme bath?
Ans: In Enzyme bath at the end of the process temperature rise to 90°c for 1 minut to kill the enzyme.
28. Why chlorine bleach is use in Denim wet processing?
Ans: Bleaching power is used to color out from denim garments thus different of color on garments achieved i.e.; dark, medium, light.
29. What chemicals is use for neutralization of chlorine bleach?
Ans: Sodium hydro sulphite is used for neutralization of chlorine bleach.
30. Write the main 5 function of Enzyme wash.
- To remove the size materials from the garments
- To remove the starch presents on the garments fabrics
- For soft feeling to wear the garment
- To achieve the buyer reference sample
- To increase the color fastness & rubbing fastness
31. What is the action of Enzyme on Garments?
Ans: The action of enzyme during enzyme wash, it hydrolysis the cellulose. At first it attacks the having projecting fiber and hydrolyzed them. Then it attacks the yarn portion inside fabric and partly hydrolyzed the yarn portion and faded affect is produced.
32. What is the standard time for Bleaching in Bleaching bath of Denim Garments?
Ans: 12 to 15 minutes is the standard time for bleaching bath of Denim garments.
33. What types of Enzyme used in Bangladesh?
Ans: Mainly two types of enzyme used in Bangladesh. One is Acid Enzyme (liquid) and another is Neutral Enzyme. Neutral Enzyme is two types –
a) Powder form
b) Liquid form i.e.SL Enzyme.
34. Write different between Acid Enzyme & Neutral Enzyme.
Acid Enzyme
Neutral Enzyme
Acid Enzyme is mostly used in purpose of medium and light shade
Neutral Enzyme is mostly used in purpose of dark shade and with stone for stone enzyme wash
This Enzyme affects come within short time
It affects come slowly.