Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks.

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Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks. বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )
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Proper Working Procedure of a Knit Merchandiser

Proper Working Procedure of a Knit Merchandiser

Who is a Garments Merchandiser?

In garments trade, a merchandiser has to face different kinds of problem till the delivery his/her order. There is no merchandiser, who can say that, he/she has not faces any problem up to delivery. Problem solving is one of the parts of merchandising but if a merchandiser should follow the below working procedure accurately then 90% problem will be solved.

Working procedures of a knit merchandiser:

The main working procedures of a merchandiser are discussed in the below:merchandiser must have to maintain his order by the following two ways if he/ she want to deliver his order in timely. The first and most important matter is “Fabrics follow up” and the second one is “Order execution”.

Fabric follow up

Now I will discuss about the very first important thing named “Fabric follow up”. Fabric follow up contains the following issues:
  1. Yarn booking and requisition,
  2. Fabric booking,
  3. Lab dip develop,
  4. Local accessories booking,
  5. Knitting follow up,
  6. Lab dip approval,
  7. Fabrics dyeing follow up and in-house.
All the main seven key factors for the “fabric follow-up” are discussed in the below:
1. Yarn booking and requisition:
When the buyer forward his sample with all the details instruction, in that time a merchandiser should be done yarn booking and requisition by following the buyer’s instruction about the fabric GSM.
2. Fabric booking:
After completing the yarn booking and requisition, a merchandiser should take necessary steps about the fabric booking. He / she has to do accurate fabric booking by following the order specification such as-Order quantity, types of fabric (Cotton single jersey, Stretch piquet etc), types of color for each fabric (Blue, Black, Red etc).
3. Lab dip development:
The third and very important one is lab dip development. A merchandiser should confirm the dyeing factory for developing the lab dip with urgent basis. Here it must be noted that less time required for the lab-dip easier to complete the rest of the process.
4. Local accessories booking:
After completing all the above three steps, a merchandiser should confirm the local accessories booking such as sewing thread, Button, Rivet, Twill tape etc. and in-house these before completing fabric dyeing.
5. Knitting follow up:
In the mean time, a merchandiser should be followed the knitting procedure and completed the all types of fabrics knitting before approving lab dip by the buyer.
6. Lab dip approval:
After developing the lab dip it should be sent to the buyer for its approval.
7. Fabric dyeing follow up and in-house:
After approving the lab dip by the buyer, a merchandiser should send the approved lab dip to the dyeing factory and follow up the dyeing procedure. After completing the dyeing procedure, all the fabrics should be in-housed in timely.

Order execution

The second and final important matter to send the shipment in timely is “Order execution”
Order execution contains the following features:
  1. Pattern making,
  2. Print and embroidery development,
  3. Fit sample making,
  5. Cutting the fabric,
  6. Print and embroidery,
  7. Sewing,
  8. Finishing and QC check,
  9. Shipment.
The above all nine features are discussed in the below:
1. Pattern making:
After receiving all the details from the buyer, a merchandiser should pass urgently the entire reference sample with buyer’s details instruction to the pattern section for making pattern.
2. Print and embroidery development:
If there are any print and embroidery, then it should be developed with urgent basis by maintaining buyer’s instruction.
3. Fit sample making:
In the mean time, a merchandiser should make the fit sample by maintaining buyer’s instruction. Here one thing should be noted that, in fit sample, the using fabric may b varies than buyer nominated fabric, color may be varies than buyer nominated color, but measurement must be accurate as buyers providing measurement sheet.
After making the fit sample it should send to the buyer for their comments. When the buyer makes comment on fit sample, it must be noted and following their comments for next steps.
5. Cutting the fabric:
When the comments are received from the buyer, a development merchandiser should cut the fabrics for required quantity by following buyer’s comments.
6. Print and embroidery:
After cutting the fabric, the required cutting pieces should send to print and embroidery section with buyer’s comments about the print and embroidery and completed it with urgent basis.
7. Sewing:
After completing the print and embroidery process, all the cutting pieces should be input in sewing section with buyer’s comments about the sewing.
8. Finishing and QC check:
When the sewing process will complete then all the garments are sent to the finishing section. After finishing, all the garments sent to the QC (Quality Controller) department.
9. Shipment:
When the QC department approved the quality then these are sent to the buyer by sea or air.

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Important Abbreviations for Textile and Apparel Manufacturing Technology:

Important Abbreviations for Textile and Apparel Manufacturing Technology:


Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association


Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association

3. BTMC:

Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation

4. BTMA:

Bangladesh Textile Mills Association


Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council

6. WTO:

World Trade Organization

7. AQL:

Acceptable Quality Level

8. CBL:

Center Back Line

9. CFL:

Center Front Line

10. FOB:

Free On Board

11. GPT:

Garments Performance Test

12. EPB:

Exporter Promotion Bureau

13. C & F:

Cost & Freight

14. CIF:

Cost, Insurance and Freight

15. CMO:

16. CMT:

Cost of Making with Trimming

17. NSA:

No Seam Allowance

18. BL:

Bill of Loading

19. CO:

Certificate of Origin

20. L/C:

21. BB L/C:

Back to Back L/C

22. UD:

Utilization Declaration

23. AAQC:

American Association of Quality Control

24. LCA:

Letter of Credit Authorization

25. PSI:

Pre-Shipment Inspection

26. M and W:

Men and Women

27. W and G:

Women and Girl

28. XL:

Extra Large (Size)

29. L :

Large (Size)

30. M:

Medium (Size)

31. S:

Small (Size)

32. CAD:

Computer Aided Design

33. CAM:

Computer Aided Manufacturing

34. PTS:

Primary Textile Sector

35. GDP:

Growth Domestic Product

36. ISO:

International Organization for Standardization

37. GSP:

Generalized System of Preferences

38. GATT:

Generalized Agreement on Tariffs and Taxes

39. MFA:

Multi Fiber Arrangement

40. EPB:

Export Promotion Bureau

41. FY:

Financial Year

42. PTI:

Private Textile Industry

43. VAT :

Value Added Tax

44. ETP:

45. P/C:

Polyester + Cotton

46. T/C:

Tetron + Cotton

47. MOT:

Ministry of Textile

48. MOC:

Ministry of Commerce

49. CNF:

Clearing & Forwarding

50. BWTG:

Better Worker in Textile Garments

51. EPI:

Ends per Inch

52. PPI:

Picks per Inch

53. ILO:

International Labor Organization

54. IMF:

International Monetary Fund
55. IFTU:
International Federation of Trade Union

56. PO:

Production Officer

57. PM:

Production Manager

58. AGM:

Assistant General Manager

59. GM:

General Manager

60. CEO:

Chief Executive Officer

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Flow Chart of Garments Manufacturing Process

Garments Manufacturing:

A complete garment has to face several processes from its order receiving to shipment. During garments manufacturing, a process flow chart must be needed to complete an order easily. Also a process flow chart helps to understand a garment manufacturing method that how the raw materials are converted into the wearable garments.

Flow Chart of Garments Manufacturing Process / Technology:

A basic garment manufacturing flow chart is presented in the below:

Pattern Making

Fit Sample Making

Production Pattern Making


Marker Making

Fabric Spreading

Fabric Cutting

Cutting Parts Sorting or Bundling


Garments Inspection

Garments Ironing and Finishing

Final Inspection

Garments Packing


Each process of garments manufacturing flow chart is discussed in the below with the details:
1. Design:
Design is provided by the buyer. After placing an order buyer send the technical sheet and art-work of an order to the merchandiser. This process is done by both manually or by using computer.
2. Pattern Making:
By following technical sheet and art-work, pattern of each garment style should be made. It’s done by both manually and by using computerized method.
3. Fit Sample Making:
The main target of making a fit sample is to follow the details instruction about that garments style. After making it’s sent to the buyer to rectify. It’s done by manually.
4. Production Pattern Making:
For bulk production, allowance added here with net dimension. Production Pattern Making is done by both manually and by using computer.
5. Grading:
During an order confirmation, the buyer suggests about the size ratio of that order. So that order should be graded according to the buyer’s instruction. Grading is done by manually or by using computer.
6. Marker Making:
Marker is a very thin paper which contains all the parts of a particular garment. To make the cutting process easy, it’s must be needed. Marker making process can be done by both manually and by using computer.
7. Fabric Spreading:
To cut the fabric properly fabric is spread in lay form. Fabric Spreading is done by manually or by using computerized method.
8. Fabric Cutting:
Fabrics have to cut here according to marker of garments. Fabric Cutting process is done by using manual method or computerized method.
9. Cutting Parts Sorting or Bundling:
Here, cutting parts have to sort out or make bundling to send these easily into the next process. This process is done by manually.
10. Sewing:
All the parts of a garment are joined here to make a complete garment. Sewing process is done by manually.
11. Garments Inspection:
After completing sewing, inspection should be done here to make fault free garments. Garments Inspection is done by using manual method.
12. Garments Ironing and Finishing:
Here garments are treated by steam; also required finishing should be completed here. This process is done by using manual method.
13. Final Inspection:
Finally the complete garments are inspected here according to the buyer’s specification. Final Inspection is done by manual method.
14. Garments Packing:
Complete garments are packed here by using buyers instructed poly bag. Garments packing are done by using manual method.
15. Cartooning:
To minimize the damages of garments, all the garments have to cartooned by maintaining buyers instruction. This process is done by manually.
16. Shipment:
After completing all the required processes it’s finally send to the buyer.

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Important Interview Question and Answer for Merchandising Job

Important Interview Question and Answer for Merchandising Job

Interview Question for Garment Merchandiser:

An interview board consists of various types of specialized person in different fields of apparel sector. You have to face so many interview question from those specialists. Mainly you have to ask some basic interview question at first. From my all job interview experiences, I want to suggest you one thing that, before facing any interview in readymade garments sector or textile sector you should increase your basic knowledge from all the different section of textile or garments industry. This article has presented some important basic interview question from apparel section. Hope these interview question will help you to achieve your dream job.

Interview Question and Answer for Apparel Merchandiser:

The below interview question and answer are very important to get garments merchandising job.
1. What is grain line?
Pattern pieces normally carry a line is called grain line. When pattern pieces are laid down during marker making over the cloth, the grain line should be parallel to the warp if the fabric is woven and wales in case of knitted fabric. Only the exception is seen for bias cut.
2. What is handle?
It is a characteristic of fabrics that is perceived by touching, squeezing or rubbing them.
3. What is hip?
It is a specified level down from the waist seam and garment closed measure straight across garment, from one edge to the other.
4. What is waist?
Regular waistband or elastic relaxed, garment closed and with front and back waistband edges even at the top, measure across the middle of waistband or along elastic relaxed from one edge to other.
5. What is sleeve length?
It is the measurement from center back neck seam or edge straight across to shoulder or armhole point, along sleeves fold line down to bottom edge of sleeve opening.
6. What is sleeve inseam?
Measurement from under armhole seam to bottom edge of sleeve opening (cuff included) with vent closed (if applicable).
7. What is pleat?
It is used to increase the fullness of the garments. It is generally made by folding the fabric. Dart and pleat both are used in the back part of the Men’s shirt usually.
8. What is inseam length?
Along inside seam of leg, measurement from crotch seam down to bottom edge of leg opening. Rib or elastic bands included in this measurement.
9. What is drape?
It is a character of fabric which indicates flexibility and suppleness of fabric.
10. What is durable press (DP)?
The name given to a special finish that provides the garments with shape retention, durable pleats and pressed creases, durably smooth seams and wrinkle resistance during use and after laundering or dry cleaning. Durable press also can be added to the stretch fabrics to produce garments that stretch yet hold their shape and their creases.
11. What is double faced fabric?
Cloth with both ends similar is termed as double faced fabric.
12. What is basic block?
Assimilating of diagram of net dimension on papers each and individual part without any allowance which is called pattern and it is called also basic block.
13. What is crease?
Crease is any kinds of folding in cloths.
14. What is color bleeding?
It is the pigment or dye or color of a cloth that is partially gone into the water if such colored cloth is soaked in water or solvent. Pigment dye come out from one place to another and is stuck place near by suck characteristics is called color bleeding.
15. What is crocking?
Crocking is the act of taking out color from the dry and wet cloth by rubbing or scouring.
16. What is back length or HPS?
HPS stands for high point of shoulder. Normally it is known as back length which is measured from high point of shoulder down to bottom edge of garment.
17. What is back rise?
It is the measure from crotch intersection point, along center back seam following curve up to waistband top edge.
18. What is CBN?
CBN stands for center back neck. It is the measure from center back neck seam or edge down to bottom edge of garment.
19. What is blind stitch?
It is a special type of stitch that cannot see from the face side of the fabric but can easily see from the back side.
20. What is back stitch?
It is one kinds of hand stitch for sewing the apparels, which could also do by using sewing machine.
21. What is CF Line?
The straight line bottom to up vertically along the middle point of the body front of a shirt or jacket.
22. What is bar tack?
Re-stitching over a very short length to give and increase the area of a high load bearing strength (E.g. belt loops and pocket corner are bar tacked).
23. What is back tacking?
Approximately 1cm or small stitch backward at the beginning and finishing of sewing, which is used securing of the sewn end so that the thread could not be loosed easily.
24. What is allowance?
When garment is made by adding extra dimension with the net dimension of the garment is called allowance.
25. What is back rise?
The distance from the crotch back waist line is called back rise.
26. What is across back?
It is the measure of straight across back of garment at the midpoint of arm hole  seam or edge from one side to other.

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