GSM (Gram per square meter) is an important matter in textile sector. Higher GSM fabric is heavier and lower GSM fabric is lighter. A woven garments merchandiser must have to know the GSM calculation method to ensure the right GSM fabric that ordered by the buyer (though suppliers are regularly mentioned about the fabric GSM).
You may follow Relation Between...
Dyeing/Finishing with Color
When ‘colour’ is applied to a fabric it is termed as dyeing. Dyeing and printing of fabrics is usually done after routine or basic finishes but prior to the application of other finishes. It is mainly done to give colour to the fabric and thus improve the appearance of the fabric.
Dyes and Sources of Dyes
The dyes which are used for colouring fabrics can be classified according to their sources.
Lab Dips
A lab dip is a swatch of fabric test dyed to hit a colour standard. There are different matching systems followed in Labs such as Tube light matching, Sun light matching, Ultra Violet matching, Sodium light matching etc.
What is a lab dip?
Lab dye or "lab dips" is a small swatch of a fabric selected for a garment style, dyed to a specified shade. Fabric suppliers usually send lab dyes to buyers for approval before the fabric is dyed in bulk production.
A lab dip is a visual aid on...
Textile Labelling Objective
The main objective of Textile Labelling are : protect consumers against misrepresentation in the labelling and advertising of textile fibre products enable consumers to choose textiles on the basis of fibre content
Objectives of Textile Labelling
The objectives of the Act and the Regulations are to protect consumers against misrepresentation in the labelling and advertising of textile fibre products and to enable consumers to choose textiles on the basis of fibre content.
Textile (Woven Dyeing) Finishing Processes
The whole cycle of finishing consists of mechanical and chemical processes, which are used depending on the kinds and end uses of the fabric. Mechanical processes include drying, calendaring, schreinering, embossing, sueding, raisingetc and chemical processes include in the application of special substances on the fabric, impregnation with size, starch, dextrin and other polymeric substances.
In this page
Perforating and...
Major Weaving Patterns
Major weaving patterns such as plain, twill, satin, Dobby, Jacquard, Pique, Pile, its characteristics, usages and techniques
Basic Weave Patterns
Plain Weave
Simplest weave requiring a 2 harness loom, formed by yarns at right angles whereby each warp yarn interlaces with each weft yarn Properties: least expensive to produce, reversible unless surface design, wrinkles more, firm & wears well, less absorbent, abrasion resistant, used as background for printing/embroidery
Rib Weave...
How to Calculate Air Freight Charges of Garments-
Air Freight:
Without sea freight, the airlines have decided to charge for the heavy merchandise (high density goods) by weight and lightweight merchandise (low density goods) by volume. However, airplanes can take less weight than ocean liners, the way they Set the standard, in the garment industry, when you ship goods by air, you have a 70% chance to be charged by weight, about 30% chance...
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Badiuzzaman ( Rubel )