Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks.

Aowsaf FM

Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks. বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )
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Packing List Classification

Packing List Classification 

Packing List প্রকার
(1) Solid Colour Solid Size.
(2) Solid Colour Assort Size.
(3) Assort Colour Assort Size.
(4) Assort Colour Solid Size.

বাংলাদেশে বেশির ভাগ প্রকার packing list করা হয়
(1)Solid Colour Solid Size
(2)Assort Colour Assort Size.

Packing List যে বিষয় গুলো উল্লেখ করতে হয়। সে গুলা নিন্মরুপ:-
(1) Buyer Name
 (2) Order No
(3) P O No
(4) Item
(5) Fabrication & GSM
(6) Inspection Date
(7) Ex- Factory Date
(8) CBM
(9) Order Quantity
(10) Shipped Quantity
(11) Short/Extra Quantity
(12) Carton Quantity
(13) Price/Piece
(14) Shipped Garments value
(15) Garments Qty in per carton
(16) Gross Weight
(17) Net weight
(18) Carton measerement
(19) Factory Name & Address
(20) Shipping Mark
(21) Side Mark
(22) Colour Name
(23) Destination
 (24) Shipping Line
(25) Ratio
(26) Ship of Mood
(27) Garment Department.


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Badiuzzaman ( Rubel )