Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks.

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Prime School BD (PSBD24) is popular blog site about technology, merchandising, textile & accounting rules in Bangladesh. Also the post that are publishing about Accounting tutorial, Textile, RMG, Merchandising, Knit Merchandising, Woven Merchandising, Apparel Merchandising, Garments, Dyeing, Spinning, Washing, Buying House, else many things with tips & tricks. বদিউজ্জামান ( রুবেল )
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How to use 4 Point System in Fabric Inspection ?.

4 Point system for fabric inspection is widely used in apparel industry for fabric quality inspection. To use this system you have to know following things.
  1. Fabric inspection method or preparation
  2. Criteria of giving penalty points based on defects and defect length.   
  3. Calculation method of total penalty points for total defects found in a fabric roll or thān
  4. A Check sheet or format for recording data
  5. Knowledge of different types of defects (how a defect looks and its appearance)

Fabric inspection method or preparation
Details of selection method of fabric rolls and checking of fabric have been explained in our previous post. Please read one of our guest articles for the method fabric inspection. Essential Fabric Quality Reports for Bulk Cutting Approval of Fabrics

Criteria for giving penalty points
In the following table the penalty evaluation points has been given for different length of fabric defect and dimension of holes.

Table -1 
Size of Defect
Penalty Points
Length of defects in fabric (either length or width)
Defects up to 3 inches
Defects > 3 inches < 6 inches
Defects > 6 inches < 9 inches
Defects > 9 inches
Holes and openings(largest dimension)
1 inch or less
Over 1 inch

Calculation of total points per yards
In 4 point system fabric quality is evaluated by unit points/100 sq. yds.  
Points / 100 sq. yd. = (Total points in roll * 36 * 100)/ (Fabric length in yards * Fabric width in inches)
Normally fabric roll containing 40 points per 100 square yard are acceptable.

Example: A fabric roll 120 yards long and 46 inch wide contains following defects.

4 defects up to 3 inch length
3 defects from 3 to 6 inch length
2 defects from 6 to 9 inch length
1 defect over 9 inch length
1 hole over 1 inch
4 x 1
3 X 2
2 X 3
1 X 4
1 X 4
4 points
6 points
6 points
4 points
4 points
Total defect points
24 Points
Points/ 100 sq. yards
= (24 X 3600)/(120 X 46)
= 15.652 points

Check sheet or Inspection Format
To record or to collects defects during inspection you must use a simple check sheet. A check sheet includes general details, details of fabric lot, fabric defects according their sizes, summary of fabric defects, quantity inspected and total penalty points and result of the fabric lot after inspection. Use tally marking for recording of number of defects. A sample 4 point system fabric inspection format has been attached at the bottom.

Types of defects found in fabric
Fabric checker should know common defects found in fabrics and he must recognize defects on the fabric at the time of fabric inspection. A detailed list of fabric defects has been posted earlier. Open the link to read the post for your reference.

Image: Sample format for 4-Point system for fabric inspection. 

Click on the Image to Zoom.


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Badiuzzaman ( Rubel )